
GRBS 64.3:

Stephen Sansom and David Fifield, “Epic Rhythm: Metrical Shapes in Greek Hexameter"

Applying the criterion “expectancy” to the varied distribution of metrical shapes in epic helps to define the style and the tone of a passage, with implications for discerning the reader’s response.

Spiridon-Iosip Capotos, “Short Accusatives in Hesiod: A Diachronic Approach to an Un-Homeric Feature"

The form -ăs reflects the progressive acquisition of poetic status of some mainland dialects at a later stage in the Panhellenic tradition that had produced the Homeric poems.

Hüseyin Uzunoğlu and Zerrin Aydın Tavukçu, “New Lists of Foreign Judges from Alabanda in Caria"

Inscriptions of the second century A.D. reveal the survival in Imperial times of the use of foreign judges at Alabanda as at neighboring Mylasa, most coming from other parts of Asia Minor.

Paweł Nowakowski, “‘Do not focus on their barbarous tongue’: The Languages of Monks and Ascetics of Early Byzantine Syria"

The literary sources and a tabulation of the Syriac inscriptions, examined together, suggest that Syriac rather than the local Aramaic or Greek was preferred in the epigraphy of monastic sites.

Marcel Lysgaard Lech, “From the mountains to the sea: Colluthus’ De Raptu Helenae 7"

The lectio facilior ἐξ ὀρέων should be preferred over ἠνορέων, for the phrase functions as a deliberate allusion to Homer and Quintus of Smyrna and the fall of Troy..

Chiara D’Agostini, “Euclid Out-of-place? A Geometrical Diagram in a Manuscript of the Corpus Hermogenianum"

A lengthy scholion on the rhetorical figure kyklos is illustrated by a geometrical diagram taken from Euclid’s Elements, suggesting the fluidity of boundaries between the trivium and the quadrivium in the middle Byzantine period.

Julián Bértola and Anthony Ellis, “The Lost Poems on the Muses by Theodoros Gazes"

Recently discovered in the margins of a ms. of Herodotus of 1480, the poems are published together with an introduction on the social contexts of their composition and transmission.

Dimitrios Nikou, “A Compilation of Excerpts from John Xiphilinus’ Epitome"

Unpublished excerpts from Xiphilinus contained in 1310 serve to illustrate the personal interests of a reader of Roman history in the fifteenth century.

Scott Kennedy, “Redating Bessarion’s Against the Slanderer of Plato: His Defense of Plato and Platonic Politics"

New manuscript discoveries show that Bessarion’s redactions evolved quickly in 1467 rather than earlier, a hasty response to George of Trebizond’s plan to send his anti-Plato Comparison to the Turks.